

Info Qty. Price
Domain 1 Year FREE
Hosting + SLL Certificate (Hostinger) 1 Year FREE
Technical Support 1 Year FREE
Socail Media - Creative or Poster 1 Qty FREE
Businesss Mail Id - 1 Qty FREE
Website Page 13 Page 4500
Total - 4500/-
Main Feature Qty.
Service/Product Sreach Bar -
Add To Cart -
Multiple Wishlist -
Filters (Price, Size, Brand & Color) -
Diffrent Product Page -
Customer Rating on Product -
Payment System (COD, UPI , Card & Direct to Bank) -
Dashboard - (Admin or Customer) -
Sale Report (Daily, Weely, Month & Yearly) -
Invoice / Bill Generator -
Order Deatails Recieve Via Email Or Dashboard -
Unlimited Product Management -
Unlimited Product Categories -
Action Button - ( Call Or Whatsapp) -
Social Media Integration - ( Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin & Other ) -
Enquiry Form -
Google Map Location -
Offer Popup -

Page Qty.
Home 1
About Us 1
Service 1
Special Offer 1
Latest Update 1
My Account 1
Contact Us 1
Other Page +
Special Thanks BY Rahul Kumar